Friday, December 28, 2007

Bath Time "Cheesy Face"

Cale has figured out what you do when someone says "CHEESE"

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Wild Hair Day

For those of you who thought I would never get any hair... check this out!

Saturday, December 15, 2007


I was really hoping to get this picture with Santa. Cale and I had visited Santa at the mall a few weeks ago- and although she waved at him and touched his furry coat-she had NO desire to sit with him. Today, she clung to me for dear life- but we were all able to see Santa. When it was time to go- she told Santa bye a few times and waved. She tries to say Santa- it comes out mostly "Sa" but at least she tries.
PS. there may not be a Christmas card from our family this year- this might be it!

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Thursday, December 6, 2007


I think we found a couple "kids" that like this weather!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Raking leaves

The weather was nice- so of course- we were outside all afternoon. Cale helped pick up leaves and put them in the bag. Mainly though- her focus was on listening for airplanes in the sky. Cale is pretty fond of the holiday lights- however, only until bedtime. She does not like them on when she is trying to sleep...

Little Drummer Girl

Cale is so busy these days- it is hard to get a still photo of her! Seems like I can barely get her to stop long enough to take the picture. Here is her best drummer girl- nothing like playing with part of the vacuum!
One of her favorite things to do is "dance" to Christmas music in the kitchen. Basically- she spins in circles and waves her arms around. I hope to get some video of that soon.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thankful for Playtime...

We had a great Thanksgiving as a family. Cale had fun- and got lots of attention. She ate lots of sweet potatoes and quite a bit of turkey too.
Right now she is really into playing dress up and she loves to wear this hat around the house. We are so thankful to have her- she makes our days so bright!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Snap, Crackle, and Pop!

Here is a little slideshow of Cale enjoying her morning bowl of Rice Krispies.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Cale is starting to try some new things. Today we used some crayons to color. If you listen closely- she tries to say "color." She is really starting to mimic sounds of words. We enjoy teaching her new words and signs... she knows about 11 of them now- and uses them everyday.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Kisses to all!

This is one of Cale's favorite things lately- dramatic kisses to everyone! Even her stuffed animals. It makes me laugh which is why I can't hold the camera still to film her.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween!

What a busy night. Cale was a chicken for Halloween this year- she really liked her costume. We were able to visit with family and got to see Little Red Riding Hood aka cousin Emily. The other picture is Cale doing her adapted sign for "help" which usually means she wants something that she can't have. :<)

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Fall day

Today was a gorgeous fall day. We had a chance to meet up with some girlfriends and go to the park. Cale can spend an hour in the swing. She has been a really good girl this week. She is now eating at the table in a booster seat and still loves to eat her yogurt.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Right at home

We have enjoyed some nice weather and lots of pool time this week. Cale loves the water. She is getting more and more brave...

Posing with Pumpkins 10.19.07

We have been having so much fun on our vacation to TX. Cale has been an amazing traveler. She is loving Grandma and Grandpa's pool and hot tub (her personal play area for about 2 hours each day) and she is just running around everywhere. As usual, she is giving lots of love and kisses- and wants to play outside 16 hours a day. Today we are working on some 15 month pictures. More pictures soon!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Day at the pool

Monday, October 8, 2007

Cale 10.8.07- before her flu shot

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Who loves her dogger?

Cale's first visit to the Pumpkin Patch

Cale loved the pumpkin patch. She picked out her own pumpkin and enjoyed the "pumpkin wash" more than anything.

Saturday, October 6, 2007


Cale loves to be outside. This photo taken on Thursday, October 4th is the proof that she can now climb up the slide by herself and is pretty confident to let go by herself too. Other favorite activities are bubbles, playing with Lucy and riding her princess car.

Cale eats some yogurt!

This video was of Cale at the end of August. She really wanted to use the spoon herself- and she was pretty good at it from the start. She is also pretty proud of herself.