Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Cale is almost 3!

I have to start by saying...I am without much motivation this week! not good. I have lots to do- and am just not feeling too motivated to get photos uploaded and online. I am due a slide show from our crazy and fun 4th of July weekend. In the meantime... here are 2 of my favorite photos from then and now. Cale turns 3 on July 31st. She is going to go to Children's Day Out preschool starting on September 1st. I can speak for all of us when I say that she is ready- and it will be good for her to be out in the "world" 2 days a week.
I am w/o motivation but not without some sentimental feelings about her turning 3! I love her growing up- but can't believe it!


Jane's Memories said...

She is so special to me! I love her lots!

Becky Abbate said...

She is growning into such a beautiful young lady. Time flies. It seems like just yesterday we were visiting you guys in the hospital.

Giles Family said...

Cale is so beautiful!! Love these pictures, she looks angelic in the most recent one :)