Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Erin and I ventured out today with the girls to Crown Center. We wanted to take them to Kaleidoscope to have some creative fun. It is possible that this journey was more for me than Cale because Kaleidoscope is one of my favorite childhood memories...I can vividly remember the melted crayon area... where you use what seems to be a big QTIP paintbrush to color on paper. Needless to say, I have been anxious to get back to Kaleidoscope and today was the day!
Cale loves to paint and do any art projects- so this was right up her alley! Erin had fun showing Cale how to make the projects- and gave her a little help and encouragement along the way. Leah loved watching and tried to grab everything in sight! Next year she can create too!
Cale had so much fun that after the 40 mins were over- she cried when they said we had to leave!
I suppose that just means I will get to re-live my childhood once again on another day. It is really a neat place to take kids - different from anything else- and it is FREE!