Friday, April 24, 2009

Our Leah is 1!!

Our Leah is 1! I am a little behind on posting some photos of her. She is getting so grown up! She waves hi and bye, says "nite nite" when she is tired and is really walking. She adores playing with Cale and loves to swing. In fact, she usually cries when you take her out of the swing! Luckily, we have swings for both girls now in the backyard- so that is making our day to day life easier.
Leah was 20lb 10 oz and 29 inches long at her 1 year check up. That is about 40 percentile. thanks to all of our friends and family who made her day special and came to her party. I had so much fun watching the kids play and have fun. Thanks again! Have a great weekend!


Jane's Memories said...

She is absolutely the cutest! I can't wait to see a video of her walking! And, Girls Club ROCKS!