Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I knew that things would catch up with me... and I am pretty far behind already on getting the girls pictures online. We are having so much fun this summer. Every day when I wake up and we make our plans- I really feel like I am re-living my childhood! I love it! the kids are loving it too. We are spending lots of time at the pool- and lots of time in the AC afterwards! My friend Katie and her cuties have been joining us. Emma loved the water. It was a little cold last week for Wesley- but he loved it today!


Becky Abbate said...

I'm soooo jealous! But I'm very glad that you get to spend this precious time with your girls. It is something that they will never forget. :)

Jane's Memories said...

I'm so glad you have happy childhood memories! And, I'm equally as happy that you are getting to enjoy the same joys that I did with you girls! Love you all!