Thursday, October 29, 2009

Dress up Day at CDO

Cale finally decided that she wanted to dress up for Halloween- I wasn't so sure she was going to be convinced. I think knowing that she got candy helped!
Thanks to Aunt Judy for the red M&M costume... she was the only M&M and everyone loved it!
Also, Auntie Erin was there today to help out and provide photography...we could not have done it without her. Even Daddy joined us for the fun. Leah and her friend Kellen LOVED watching all the kids parade in their costumes. They just pointed and smiled and had so much fun. Here are a few pictures. Happy Halloween!


Wilke family blog said...

So cute!! She'll LOVE Halloween day when she collects all that candy- bet you won't have any trouble convincing her to dress up next year! LOL

Jane's Memories said...

I love it! Tell Cale MiMa's favorite M&M is a red one!

Toni said...

She is an absolute doll!!!! I love the costume!!!