Monday, June 28, 2010


Here is the video of the kids singing at our Celebration Service for Every1serve weekend.
My apologies for the poor video was windy and I was clapping along! It is sort of hard to see
Cale and Leah at first- but once I zoom in, you will see that Leah is on the far left in a blue and white dress and Cale is on the right in a yellow and pink dress. All the kids were too cute up there!


Anonymous said...

hey mel,
time has just flown have 2 wonderful children and we're getting older, hopefully wiser.. i see you're no longer with BOA... i hope they didn't force you out as they did so many other wonderful and talented people.. i hope and will pray you and andy are doing well.. life is busy as usual for me and rachel.. she will be 14 in october.. i believe i gave you a copy of my third book, God's Will.. if not, has it on sale.. God continue to bless you and your family.. Mike Hanneman

Giles Family said...

ADORABLE!!! I love the video of them jumping around. Cute Cute Cute kids you've got guys :)

Anonymous said...

Melanie and Andy,

Love the pics and the video, you are doing thing right! Train up a child in the way she should go and she will not depart from it! Love you guys!...Lisa