Monday, November 8, 2010

New Beds

so, I am WAY behind on blogging for our family. Instead of worry so much about that- I am just going to post a little about what we have been up to (or not up to!) the past few months. First, here are some pictures of the girls in their new beds that their Nanny found last week. They both had twin beds prior to this- but didn't have bed frames- so this is a big improvement! We are thankful they were a great price, and Andy cleaned and fixed them up to look perfect in their rooms. After trying to room the girls together a few times, we have decided that they both need their own rooms to sleep in. Sleeping together meant not sleeping very well for either of them or US!

Leah has stayed in her new bed all night for 4 nights in a row- which after getting up multiple times a night for the past 6 months- is a MIRACLE!


Jane's Memories said...

That's great news! Everyone will feel better and be happier! Yeah! Love them!

~Chris~ said...

Cute beds!

~Chris~ said...

Cute beds!