Saturday, February 16, 2008

First Day of School

Cale had a great first day at her new school. She got a great report from her teachers- and even took a nap on her cot! Her teachers really liked her (of course) and said that she was very smart. Who doesn't want to hear that?
Also, I wanted to post this photo of Great Grandma with Cale. A little bit of a funny face from Miss Cale who still is into her "cheesy face." However, Cale gave Great Grandma and Manuel lots of hugs and kisses last weekend. She really likes to love on everyone.


Jane's Memories said...

Great picture! It's so nice that Great-Grandma is so close to enjoy those sweet hugs!

Jane's Memories said...

And, it looks like Cale was happy to be at school and get busy playing! I'm so glad she adjusts well to new situations. That makes life easy for everyone! And, congrats on your new position with Bank of America. I'm very proud of you all!

Anonymous said...

She really likes to love on everyone... BUT ME! :)

Melanie said...

She loves you too Duke! Maybe she just wants more ribs before she is willing to go all in. :<)