Saturday, January 16, 2010

January 2010

We took the girls to swim last night. They loved it. I started to find an old baby picture of Cale swimming at Legacy 3 years ago... but it started to make me feel quite sentimental- and i decided I wasn't ready to cry about her getting so big. She is really growing up. Her favorite things to do right now are have friends over and play dress up.
Leah loves the water- and has no problem with getting her face under water. Leah still loves to sing and be right in the action with Cale. They both love to climb and play and we are really hoping for some warmer weather to be able to go to the park.


Giles Family said...

Great pics Mel! I love that Leah is willing to have her face totally soaked and she's still smiling :) Fun!

Jane's Memories said...

Glad you're doing some fun things-they keep you going! They're wonderful little girls!

Jane's Memories said...

Glad you're doing some fun things-they keep you going! They're wonderful little girls!