Monday, May 3, 2010

Spring Fun

We have had a fun filled Spring so far...spending time outdoors is the best!
Leah is getting so big now that she won't let me "help" her ride the carousel. She won't even let me touch her when she rides! Cale is still every bit of the artist, and loves to do projects. It is going to be tough keeping her busy when preschool ends in Mid-May! I am excited for fun pool days and lots of outside time.
Just a few things that they like to say... Cale loves to talk, all the time really. Lately, when she is trying to remember things, she says, "you know, yesternight" when we were outside.." she has used Yesternight a few times over the past week and I think it is too cute.
Leah also loves to talk. She still wakes up in the morning and calls my name, and then usually says, "mommy, I wanted you" or "i was scared without you." too sweet. thankfully she sleeps all night long without waking me up!!! We love them to pieces and hope that you enjoy these photos.


Becky Abbate said...

How cute are they?! I'm so jealous. You guys always have so much summer fun. :)

Jane's Memories said...

Glad you are enjoying those sweet girls so much! Keep writing down the things they say! Love them and miss them!