Saturday, May 29, 2010

Welcome Summer!

Summer is here and we are all very excited. Cale was ready for a break from school, here is her quote about school. "I am all done with school and I don't want to go to Kindergarten." Well, the good news is she doesn't go to Kindergarten this year so at least we have some time to work on that. Leah loved her preschool class, but only had 4 days this year. Both girls will attend 3 days a week starting this fall. I have been working some from home for a local marketing company, so it will be nice to be able to work some while they enjoy preschool. Summer is going to be pretty laid back, we are hoping for lots of pool time and play time, and hanging out in our new and improved backyard! Life is good, the girls are healthy and growing every day. Leah talks like a big girl and can say anything. She doesn't miss a beat with her big sis and they have been getting along much better lately. Happy Summer everyone!


Jane's Memories said...

Life is good indeed! Glad they are getting along-they'll be life long buddies! Nothing like having sisters!