Monday, May 25, 2009

Summit Waves

We had our inaugural visit to Summit Waves this weekend. It was FABULOUS! A very fun time for everyone. Leah was sleeping at home- so she missed this visit- but we will be sure to take her there very soon and she is a little water bug and I know she will really enjoy it. Cale was slow to warm up to the pool- but finally did so. It was a special treat that my nieces and nephew were there too! My niece, Kelsey even went down a water slide with me. I really had fun- it has been a while since i have been on a water slide.


Becky Abbate said...

Wow! You are brave. I figured the water was still too cold for swimming, but it looks like you guys had a blast. Holly and I drove by there on Saturday and she's all excited to go this summer.

~Chris~ said...

I love the pic of Cale going down the waterslide!

Giles Family said...

Fun! And how great that Cale did the waterslide! At 5, Madeline is still very hesitant about those things.