Sunday, February 1, 2009

Leah update

I am overdue for an update on Miss Leah...and she is changing so fast!
At her 9 month dr appt Leah weighed 17 lbs and 12 oz and was 27 inches long. She has 5 teeth- with her other front tooth on its way very soon! Leah has been crawling for a few months- and she is now cruising around on the furniture. She has just started liking walking behind a walking toy. Also, she started waving about 2 weeks ago- and has since been a waving fool. Of course, her favorite person to wave at is her daddy! Also, Leah has really taken to eating table food... she loves blueberries, corn, peas, apples, bread, cheese and yogurt. I think she is about done with baby food. Our doctor said she could have 4 oz of whole milk in a cup every day- so we are trying to get her drinking from a cup. That will make mommy happy! Although her first year has gone by fast- she has really stopped having much interest in nursing or bottles- so it is time to move on to cups.
She is still a sweet little snuggler who loves to follow her big sister around. They love to scream and laugh at one another... and my favorite thing they do is hold hands when we put them in their carseats. Cale reaches her arm out to Leah and they hold hands. It is super sweet.
As many of you might remember with Cale, we like the "baby signs" so we are diligently working with Leah to help her communicate with her signs.
Right now she just grins at me...
Here is a picture of her waving at the animals at the zoo on Jan 19th.