Thursday, February 19, 2009

Potty Training

Cale has really taken to using the potty this time around. Andy and I are sticking to it- and she is doing great. I never thought I would be so proud of my kid for using the bathroom and keeping a pull-up DRY ALL DAY!
I am just kind of going crazy with constantly going to the potty- but its working and we think this is it! In fact, at childcare at Legacy- they have a "little potty" and she LOVES using it. This has made my week great- b/c I can get her there with this as her excitement. My life as a mom! How fun!
This is a picture of Cale posing in her big girl pants while she washes dishes. She loves to wash dishes. I think the mess she makes with the water is well worth it!


~Chris~ said...

Yay Cale!

Jane's Memories said...

I'd say she's ready! Tell her MiMa is so proud of her! And, Leah, well, she is just too sweet for sure!

Jane's Memories said...
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